Date: 2022-12-28

Do you know what makes solar battery backup more expensive?

Do you know what makes solar battery backup more expensive?

Because the value solar cells add to an installation, and the added value and security don't come cheap.

Adding one or more solar cells to your solar installation means you will have the backup power you need to run and protect your critical loads in the face of extreme weather that can lead to emergencies.

Solar cells are at the forefront of technological advancement in the solar industry. Manufacturers are working hard to improve the performance and lifespan of backup batteries. This high level of technical functionality also comes with an added cost.

These are some of the main reasons that solar battery backup is an expensive addition to every solar installation. The security and peace of mind that solar batteries provide is worth it to many people and why it is a valuable addition even at an elevated price.


If you're curious about the cost of a solar system with battery backup based on your monthly electricity bill, check out our completely free solar energy cost calculator for an accurate estimate!


Please contact SankoPower Group to built your home solar system with good quality battery.


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