

We can ship to most countries. Usually you can place an order, which means we can ship it.

Once the order is authorized and verified, a confirmation email will be sent to you. We will begin preparing your order as soon as it is confirmed. (Note: For some large orders, we need to confirm your personal information in case of credit card fraud. Please make sure your email or phone number is correct and available.)

Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time (Processing Time 10~15 business days + Shipping Time 7-10 business days = 17-25 business days), For some large orders or special products, we need to check case by case.

Please note.
Due to international shipping, some packages may be inspected upon arrival at local customs and may incur duties. Therefore, buyers need to pay attention to the notification issued by local customs. Duties and taxes are collected by local customs and the seller has no right to collect any duties and taxes from the buyer.

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